Client Terms and Conditions
"You" / "Your" and "Client" means the person who has paid for coaching with Be Dynamic.
"Coach" means the person who will teach Business English
By paying an invoice to work with our company or coaches, you agree to the terms and conditions on this page, as updated from time to time.
You agree to:
Set recurring meetings with your coach, once or twice a week, at set times. For example Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm. You can reschedule or permanently change the recurring times as your commitments change.
Use your calendar to accept scheduled meetings and the meeting link.
Be on time for meetings and message your coach if you're running late.
Revise and learn from your meeting notes.
Prepare for meetings by reading/watching the materials that your coach sends you.
Respond to emails and messages sent by your coach as soon as possible.
Reschedule policy
You may cancel or reschedule meetings by giving your coach at least 24h notice or more. Please email your coach or send them a message using another service which you regularly communicate on.
If you give less than 24h notice, your coach may still mark you as having an "unexcused absence". This will use a session credit.
The reschedule policy applies even if you are suddenly sick or if there is an emergency at work. The coach has prepared and booked the time for you, so they cannot find other work at short notice.
Refund policy
Since all Sessions are valid for 3 months from date of purchase, and you have the option to change coaches to use up all of your sessions, we do not offer refunds of sessions purchased.
Change in Coach
You may request a change in coach provided you meet with Edward to explain why.
We always aim to help you achieve your goals, so by communicating with us, we can better train our coaches and also help you choose a more suitable coach.
Renewing Packages
You agree to contact to discuss renewing packages. Subscriptions are a seperate category of services
Subscriptions are charged monthly and it is your responsiblity to inform us if you wish to change the number of sessions per month or to cancel the subscription.
You can cancel your subcription at any time by emailing us at or other active emails that we regularly correspond through.
Enjoying your sessions?
Please email We'd love to hear from you. It helps us know which coaches are doing well and it can benefit them :).